A pack of throwdowns with 50pc’s per pack. Mega Fun!
A 72 shot cake ejecting whistling missiles with red and tails and crackling stars. SAFETY DISTANCE 15M
A large 8 shot roman candle ejecting bursts of golden chrysanthemum to red or green stars, brocade with white glitter and red & white peony bursts.
A 19 Shot cake with red bursts to golden brocade crowns to light up the sky. SAFETY DISTANCE 8M
A 19 shot cake ejecting bursts of colour and noise a sure fire winner. SAFETY DISTANCE 8M
A 19 shot cake that is simply out of this world, and leave you wanting more. SAFETY DISTANCE 8M
A dynamic 56 shot, 1.3G cake ejecting burst of red stars with silver strobe, lemon time rain, ti-gold palms with blue stars, green stars with red strobe, blue stars with gold strobe, crackling brocade crowns, crackling willows with red strobe, and golden chrysanthemums with blue stars. 1.3G SAFETY DISTANCE 25M
A pack of throwdowns with 100pc’s per pack. Mega Fun!
A pack of 5 single shot roman candles ejecting bursts of either white glitter, red stars, blue stars, purple & green stars and crackling starbursts. SAFETY DISTANCE 15M
A 70 shot cake ejecting red, green & time rain comet tails above time rain mine effects. SAFETY DISTANCE 8M
Two 50 shot cakes ejecting clusters of bursts of red & silver strobe, gold & green strobe, golden willow effects with either red, green or golden strobe. Bursts of lemon & sea blue dahlia with red strobe, purple & yellow dahlia with golden strobe, and green& blue dahlia with silver strobe. 1.3G SAFETY DISTANCE 25M
A combination fountain and shot tube cake. Light the fuse to a silver springs fountain which then has 8 bursts of blue & crackling stars, brocade crowns & blue stars, and red stars with white strobe. SAFETY DISTANCE 8M
A 99 shot cake ejecting bursts of brocade crown with purple, blue or chrysanthemum stars; assorted coloured comets, silver strobe effects and silver spinners with red, blue or purple stars. SAFETY DISTANCE 8M